Heavy vehicle road safety

Due to their weight and size, crashes involving heavy vehicles can have serious consequences. Trucks and other heavy vehicles can take a lot longer to stop, so you need to give them space. Trucks can also have bigger blind spots than an average car, so truck drivers may not be able to see you. For everyone’s safety, be cautious when driving next to or behind a truck. For more information, visit the Centre for Road Safety.

Heavy vehicle safety - What we are doing

Transport for NSW works with the freight and heavy vehicle industry and other government agencies to improve road safety outcomes for all road users.  This work includes:

  • Supporting the introduction of lifesaving vehicle technologies such as: front, side and rear underrun, improved direct and indirect vision, blind spot monitoring, lane keep assist, more advanced autonomous emergency braking, and intelligent speed assistance
  • Enhancing the procurement of safer fleet vehicles and introducing minimum heavy vehicle safety requirements and technologies in government procurement contracts
  • Delivering a new heavy vehicle safety strategy to improve safety of freight operations across NSW
  • Supporting the Construction Logistics and Community Safety – Australia (CLOCS-A) program
  • Further strengthen road safety information and campaigns to educate all road users on how to keep safe around trucks.

Find out more in the 2026 Road Safety Action Plan.

Road crash analysis - high risk factors

The most recent information on NSW heavy vehicle fatal crashes can be found in our weekly NSW heavy truck fatal crashes.

The Centre for Road Safety provides road cash data with interactive crash statistics.

Information for heavy vehicle drivers and operators

Due to their weight and size, truck drivers face many unique challenges.

Our safety tips for heavy vehicle drivers explain how speeding, fatigue, non-use of seatbelts and dangerous loads can lead to crashes, with heavy vehicle drivers and other road users seriously injured or killed.